Active investment management’s weekly magazine for fee-based advisors
I am the son and grandson of pastors. Both greatly influenced my life. I am grateful for their spiritual legacy and the faith-based values my parents provided as I was growing up. I am an ordained minister of the Church of God Ministries, based in Anderson, Indiana, and am deeply involved in our local church.

This background is important in my role as a financial advisor and co-founder of Alpha & Omega Financial Solutions. I became a financial advisor mainly for the opportunity to help people improve their long-term financial situation. For me, this work is an extension of my family’s ministry. That does not mean every client has to have faith-based values, but it does mean that I approach every client relationship with respect, humility, and a genuine interest in their lives—not just their finances. I’ve been in practice since 1990 and, to me, it’s the greatest job in the world.

We educate clients to view money as simply a means to help them finance their values and aspirations. A core belief we share is, “We are made for more.” We believe people should strive to live their best lives. We see three supporting concepts for that philosophy: (1) People should have the ability to demonstrate generosity in their daily lives. (2) Their ultimate financial goal should be to live comfortably without needing to earn income at a job—what most people define as retirement. (3) They should be in a position to care for and interact meaningfully in the lives of their family—whether a spouse, children, grandchildren, or parents.

Our goal is to create a sound financial program using appropriate strategies that are customized to suit each client’s vision and objectives. While we use all of the traditional, important steps in the financial-planning cycle, we strive to take financial planning to a higher level.

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We call this life planning. The focus is more on understanding who the client is and who they want to be than it is on money. The role of money is intertwined with the concepts of lifestyle, creativity, family, service, values, and other aspects of personal satisfaction. Life planning is a comprehensive process that looks at the big picture of a client’s life.

We want to develop long-term relationships with clients and their families as we help them work toward the lifestyle they desire. For many of our clients, the faith-based aspect of financial and investment planning is important, so we want to make sure their planning objectives and investments align with their spiritual beliefs. We employ a sophisticated process that can screen investments based on values-based criteria. 

Disclosure: Kevin Gotts is a registered representative with, and securities offered through, LPL Financial, member FINRA/SIPC. Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss in periods of declining values.

CFP is a registered trademark of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. (CFP Board).

Photography by Edward Carreon

