Active investment management’s weekly magazine for fee-based advisors

Jerry Van Houten, AIF, CKA • Modesto, CA
American Asset & Wealth Management • Independent Financial Group LLC

I​n addition to my designation as an Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF), I am equally proud of earning the designation of Certified Kingdom Advisor (CKA). The Kingdom Advisors organization was founded by the late Larry Burkett of Crown Financial Ministries.

The core mission of Kingdom Advisors is to train and motivate Christian financial professionals to implement biblical wisdom in their lives and practices.

I joined Kingdom Advisors in November 2006. At the time, it was known as the Christian Financial Professionals Network. A missionary friend from my Toastmasters club, who used to be a stockbroker, told me about this organization and encouraged me to join. I was personally trained and certified by Ron Blue, who had been a highly successful CPA and financial planner before assuming leadership of Kingdom Advisors. He also has written several books about personal finance from a biblical perspective.

I was attracted to Kingdom Advisors because it taught sound principles that line up with my own beliefs and gave me opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals. Kingdom Advisors advocates several key financial principles found in the Bible that align perfectly with my financial values, including the following:

  • Live within your means.
  • Stay out of debt.
  • Establish an emergency fund.
  • Save for the long term (retirement).
  • Give generously.

Studying for and earning the Certified Kingdom Advisor designation has helped me work better with clients, especially those who are interested in a values-based approach to financial and investment planning. The organization offers educational mastermind classes and opportunities to learn how to maximize client service, build strong client relationships, and implement strategies to be good stewards of God’s blessings.

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I talk to both Christian and non-Christian clients about the five core financial principles mentioned above as my own personal values. To my way of thinking, biblical values in this context are simply common sense, long-term principles that anyone can benefit from. Most of my Christian clients are very receptive to these values. The key thing for them is peace of mind, knowing they are doing their best to be good stewards of the resources they have been blessed with and have responsibility over. In terms of formal financial planning, this plays out in many areas of the plan, especially in helping clients manage their ongoing charitable giving in a tax-efficient manner and in the development of their estate planning.

I can also help clients invest in harmony with their convictions or spiritual values. A trusted advisor who is able to synchronize financial choices with a client’s core values offers the opportunity for a life of fulfillment that far exceeds that of monetary rewards alone. However, when it comes to values-based investments, there are model portfolios that range from conservative to aggressive, and the returns have proven very competitive. Values-based investing can be implemented in terms of a faith-based investment approach or one that is focused on socially responsible investments—or some combination of the two.

I think my affiliation with Kingdom Advisors has been very beneficial to me, our firm, and our clients. I derive a great deal of satisfaction from advising clients in a values-based manner and providing a specific financial-planning perspective that many clients are seeking.

Securities and advisory services offered through Independent Financial Group LLC (IFG), a registered investment advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC. American Asset and Wealth Management and IFG are unaffiliated entities.

Photography by Rachael Venema

