Active investment management’s weekly magazine for fee-based advisors
I started my own financial advisory practice at roughly the same time as moving to the town of Wilmington, North Carolina. It is a great area with beautiful weather and beaches, and this region has become very attractive to retirees for its many activities and relatively affordable housing.

My challenge was in trying to establish my practice with very little in the way of a built-in network of friends and associates. One of the first things I did was consult with a business coach and two critical points emerged from that: (1) We decided it was imperative to target a certain demographic of relatively affluent clients who were within either side of 10 years of retirement. (2) We talked about the benefit of trying a variety of marketing approaches, casting a wide net but spending little on actual marketing costs.

Regarding the target demographic, I am looking to work with a specific type of client who can come from many different backgrounds: working business executives, professionals such as a lawyer or physician, small-business owners, transplanted retirees, or a spouse who is recently divorced or widowed. I have refined that further, placing special emphasis on working with women who may be responsible for their financial planning for the first time in their lives.

A big part of my strategy for the first two years was to create that network of local relationships from scratch. I decided to join as many organizations as made sense and I could handle from a time perspective. These include the local city and county chambers of commerce, other civic and business groups, and a few social organizations. I also am very passionate about tennis and play often. I am naturally very outgoing and love meeting new people so this all works out very well.

For specific marketing outreach, I have adopted a low- or no-cost approach to hosting seminars. I have several presentations that are fairly general but cover a variety of topics important to people approaching or in retirement. I also have a highly targeted presentation for women who might be recently divorced or widowed.

My background in the benefits and retirement fields is a terrific introduction to these talks and provides a certain level of credibility. I use flyers and send out invitations through direct email and in bulk email through a number of specific organizations that match the demographics I am interested in. This has proven very beneficial in expanding my network and in delivering some direct new client prospects and first meetings.

Disclosure: Mary Salisbury is a registered representative of INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC. INVEST and its affiliated insurance agencies offer securities, advisory services, and certain insurance products and are not affiliated with other entities named.

Photography by Mark Steelman

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